Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 52 WanderWeirdo (Barcelona)

Today, I woke up, and had no idea what I wanted to do. So, I ended up just wandering about Barcelona like a little weirdo. One of my favorite things to do. I found some pretty neat places, though.

I found this cool statue monument thingy in the middle of a huge roundabout plaza thing.

This is where the magic fountain was! There's a big fancy museum palace or something. I totally know stuff.

haHA! I know this one! This is the Olympic Stadium! Yay! Sports.

 I also don't know what this is (surprise!), but it was very peaceful and beautiful.

Fountain! I actually found a lot of fountains on my little walk about. I like 'em.

So as I was walking around, I found I was up on Montjuio. Today, I climbed a mountain! I found a rad park with views of the sea, and with... another fountain!

 Wee! I'm  a fountain!

Oooh, I'm a paaaaaark.....

I will actually just show you all the views at the end, as there were several places I took way too many pictures of the same thing.

Next came the best part. Know why? 'Cause it's a castle. CASTLE!!

There was a bridge and everything!!

Castle gardensssssss

Le courtyard (say that in a funny British accent, even though I said "le" like a Frenchman)

 Eeeeee. Castle. Then, There were these fancy gondola things that take you back down the mountain. I took one. Because I could! Now I will show you some views. I know you've been just scrolling down for the views. So I will try to not disappoint.



Then I rode my camel back home. It was glorious.
His name is Tim.


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