Today. Today today today. Bike tour day!
Complete with creepy clown crotch shot. You're welcome. I'm sorry Bonnie, if you read this post. For those of you who don't know her, Bonnie is my awesome big sister. And she has a phobia of clowns. And snails. But we're discussing the clowns today. I have one distinct memory of when we were younger, we used to share a room. We had bunk beds, Bonnie on the top and me on the bottom. I actually remember I got to sleep on the top once, which resulted in me somehow rolling off in my sleep and gashing open the entire inside of my thigh on the corner of our dresser. This must have taken some serious sleep skills, as the dresser was next to the head of the bed, but I was probably sleep fighting off some ninjas or something. Knowing me.
Now that I'm off on a double tangent, let's take a step back. So we had one of those stuffed animal corner hammock things, because children have some way of acquiring massive amounts of stuffed animals, and forming possibly unhealthily strong attachments to them, so you have to find some way of keeping them in view, but very much out of the way, as everything they touch turns into a mess. At least with me as a child. I had a black stuffed bear that I named 'Snowball' (I was sooo clever), and when I had first got him, I actually cried telling this bear that I wouldn't forget about him like I did my other stuffed animals, and he would always be special to me. Don't even pretend like you never did something like that. I don't know where Snowball is today, but I hope he's with another child who is crying and saying they'll never abandon him. That is the stuffed animal circle of life.
How does this keep happening?! Anyway, one night my sister woke me up at who knows what hour, freaking out, because all the stuffed animals had bound themselves together into a giant clown and was stomping across the dresser towards us!! Ok so actually she woke me up because they looked like a clown face, and I had to stomp across the dressed to mix them up into a less frightening position. There was a lot of buildup to such a simple story, so don't blame me for trying to spruce things up a bit.
Baack to London. The bike tour was quite lovely. I have to say, London's monuments and such are a bit less impressive than some of the other European cities, but their parks are beautiful. The bike tour was still interesting, as I got to learn some history that I will soon forget, but it really was just nice to cycle for a few hours through the beautiful scenery. I mean look at this
It's like a friggin fairy tale. London does have beautiful buildings too. It is like the movies. For realsies. FINE I will show you some pictures of the tour. History Tiiiiime!
Kensington Palace. Princess Victoria (later Queen Victoria) grew up here. Also, Princess Diana lived here. It was originally someone's home, but a royal guy had asthma, and at the time this was out of London, so he "acquired" it. That means royal stealing.
A big cool arch. Used to be the tiniest police station/jail ever. They could hold like... one guy.
You can't really see it, but there is a small boy on the chariot. This is because they didn't have enough money to make it, so some rich guy was like, I'll pay for it, but put my son in the statue. So they did.
Canadian memorial! Representing all the times England and Canadia banded together. I really hope it's Canada and not Australia. Nope. It's Australia. Canada doens't do anything. What was I thinking?! Sneaky Canada. Just sitting there. Quietly. Seeping into my brain. I'm watching you.
Cool building! Wee!
New Zealand Memorial! How do I know this? Because it points to New Zealand. And I always know where New Zealand is.
This guard is standing where there would usually be one of those classic big bearskin hat guards would be. Jerk. I hate you for not wearing a bearskin hat.
England's 100% bomb-proof building. Ironically, the only building that never got hit.
Again. I think I will steal England's parks and claim them as my own. I'm sorry, did I say steal? I meant 'acquire'.
This is the Princess Diana Monument. It's a neat water feature that loops around, and kids can play in it and stuff.
There. I toured you through London. Are you happy now?! Geez, you're so high maintenance. After my tour, I basically walked around Central London. There is a buttload of shopping, but seeing as I have to carry everything I buy, I opted for just some good ol' window shopping. That's shopping for poor people. Then I made it back to Flora, who made me THIS
These are the good times. We spent the evening eating and chatting, then we totally dyed and cut her hair, and it looks super cute on her. And watched ridiculous videos.
That night as I was falling asleep, Flora said, "Now that I've found Darragh, I don't want to die." These are the moments we live for.
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